miercuri, 17 februarie 2010

Nu e deloc usor... dar merita/ It's not easy, but it's worth every bit of effort!

Still immersing, still struggling to breathe in this ocean of information - it's not easy but it is worth every bit of effort!
Interestingly, I haven't been so excited about everything around me for a long time now. I'm just like a kid in Disneyland!
Ok, but how about this time-wasting and wild goose chasing? No, it's not about gadgets and playing around with all sorts of glamorous glowing interactive toys...
It is all about being free to wonder around, being free to make decisions that transcend institutions and may reach real people either as friends or collaborators or students, being free to learn avidly new things and at the same time feeling comforted by the thought that everything you have been and are learning can be put to work in this generous global environment where like minds can meet - 
Not easy, but worth every step...!

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